I'd recently looking at the java keywords and thought of categorizing them to make it easier to memorize.
I'd worked on them and categorized on my best but as everything is never perfect so I need your suggestions and support to make them more effective.
Here I'd categorized them as:
I'd worked on them and categorized on my best but as everything is never perfect so I need your suggestions and support to make them more effective.
Here I'd categorized them as:
- Data Types:
- byte
- short
- int
- long
- float
- double
- char
- boolean
- strictfp
- Control Statements:
- if
- else
- for
- while
- do
- switch
- case
- default
- break
- continue
- Access Specifier / Modifier:
- public
- protected
- private
- static
- Class / Object / Method:
- class
- interface
- enum
- abstract
- super
- this
- new
- extends
- implements
- instanceof
- void
- return
- native
- final
- Exception Handling:
- try
- catch
- finally
- throw
- throws
- Package:
- package
- import
- Threading / IO:
- synchronized
- volatile
- transient
- Debugging:
- assert
- Reserved but not used:
- goto
- const
- Reserved for literals:
- true
- false
- null